SmartHome Soltuions holds Lutron BURST Certifications for its maintenance and design teams. Engineers are required to attend training courses adminstered by Lutron to receive this endorsement. SmartHome Solutions has been Lutron BURST certified since 2005!

SmartHome Solutions is proud to have our system design and engineering teams Crestron Certified in Digital Media Design (DMC-D). Staff members undergo a rigiorous training program sanctioned by Crestron to recieve this certification.

Mr P's, a locally owned and operated business, has been manufacturing custom blinds, drapery, awnings, and shades since 1992. SmartHome Solutions has been QIET certified by Mr. P's Blind & Shade Company since 2007.

Niles is an innovative manufacturer of amplifiers, loud speakers, IR systems, and other home automation and integration products. SmartHome Solutions has been Niles sales and installation certified since 1998.

SmartHome Solutions is proud to have our system design and engineering teams Crestron Certified in Digital Media Engineering (DMC-E). The DMC-E certification is one of the industry's most advanced video engineering certifications available and includes 4K digital video switching, processing, and encoding.

SmartHome Solutions is proud to have our service and installation team leads certified by Crestron as approved Digital Media Certified Technicans (DMC-T). Staff members undergo a rigiorous training program sanctioned by Crestron to recieve this certification.